Conservation Biology Group

Threats and solutions

Contact us:


Departament de
Biologia Animal

Facultat de Biologia
Universitat de Barcelona

Avda. Diagonal, 645
08028 Barcelona

The Equip de Biologia de la Conservació - Àliga perdiguera is a group associated to the Department of Animal Biology of the University of Barcelona that works in research applied to the conservation of the terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystems, with special attention to threatened species like the Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata). It is formed by professors and researchers linked to the University, who count with the habitual collaboration of naturalists and professionals of other administrations and organisms.

Some of the members and collaborators of the team in 2006, from left to right: Joan Real, Víctor García, Rafel Bosch and Albert Tintó. Some of the members and collaborators of the team in 2010, from left to right: Jaime Resano, Víctor García, Francesc Parés and Antoni Hernández.

Its origin goes back to year 1983, when Joan Real and Vicenç Bros, worried about the alarming regression that underwent the Catalan population of Bonelli's eagle, created the Equip d'Estudi de l'Àliga Perdiguera with the objective to promote the knowledge and the conservation of this raptor. The Equip consolidated year 1985 with the incorporation of eight components more: Santi Mañosa, Lluís Balaguer, Joan Bertran, Jordi Fernández, Pilar Romero, Albert Sorolla, Àngel Moreno and Joaquim Galan.

In 1986 was written the "Pla d’Estudi i Conservació de l’Àliga Perdiguera a Catalunya”  for the Diputació de Barcelona. This project has allowed to develop until the present time numerous activities included within three main lines of intervention: research, conservation and divulgation. In 1992, the Fundació Miguel Torres of the wine company Bodegas Torres SA began to give his support to the actions realized by the Team.

At present, the research TEAM is formed by the following members: Joan Real (The director of the Team. Doctor of Biology and teacher of the “Departament de Biologia Animal" of the UB), Antoni Hernández (Doctor of Biology. Researcher contracted for projects of research applied to the conservation), Jaime Resano (Bachelor of   Biology.  Pupil of Doctorate of the UB) and Francesc Parés (Technician collaborator in reasearch applied to conservation). Recently, the following were also part of the TEAM:  Albert Tintó (Doctor of Biology), Rafel Bosch (Bachelor of Environmental Sciences), Elena López (Bachelor of Biology), Àlex Rollan (Bachelor of Environmental Sciences) and Gérard Rocamora (Doctor of Biology and adviser on Conservation). During all these years many people have been part of the Team, either working from the University of Barcelona in different projects or taking part sporadically in the tasks of research, conservation or information. Many thanks to all them!

In preparing this site have participated:
  • Authors:  Albert Tintó, Marc Noguera and Joan Real
  • Original content:  Albert Tintó and Joan Real
  • Original design:  Marc Noguera and Albert Tintó
  • Website update in 2012: Àlex Rollan and Joan Real
  • Collaboration in the translation to English version:  Marisol López and Josep Rubio
  • Collaboration in the translation to French version::  Rozen Morvan
  • Photopgraphs:  Albert Tintó, Joan Real, Vicenç Bros, Santi Mañosa, Jordi Codina, Rico&Ruiz, Conchi Giralt, Francesc Parés and Àlex Rollan
  • Illustrations:  Albert Tintó, Marc Noguera, Francesc Jutglar, Josep Nogué, Cesca Andreu and Marta Tintó
  • Digitalization of the graphic material:  Fotografia Taradell

    The contents of this website is consequence of the labour of their authors and so is intellectual property of the persons who have been engaged or have voluntarily collaborated in its carrying out. If you use the web page as an information source we demand that you cite it in your works, and ask to the authors for the use of any of the contents (texts, photographies, illustrations) through our mail or e-mail.