Reduce relative clauses

Reduce relative clauses to simpler, shorter constructions.

Exemple no admissibleThe Last Supper, which was painted at the end of the 15th century, was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza for his family’s mausoleum.

Exemple adequatThe Last Supper, painted at the end of the 15th century, was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza for his family’s mausoleum.

Exemple adequatPainted at the end of the 15th century, The Last Supper was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza for his family’s mausoleum.

Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics
Darrera actualització: 13-6-2022
Recommended citation:
«Reduce relative clauses» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 3 juny 2024].