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I am a tenured professor of philosophy for the Philosophy Department at the University de Barcelona (UB), where I am also coordinator of the doctorate in "Citizenship and Human Rights", Director of the Open Network for Macrophilosophical and Postdisciplinary Researches (OPEN-Phi) and of the International Research Group ‘History, Culture and State’ (Grup Internacional de Recerca 'Cultura, Història i Estat' - GIRCHE), as well as consultant for the Degree in Humanities at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Three segments of my doctorate research, six academic segments and ten trienniums have already been recognized by the National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency of Spain (ANECA).

As a Senior Researcher I have participated in several competitive projects since 1987 with financial support of Spanish Ministries, mainly as member of the Research Group ‘Crisis de la razón práctica’ (Crisis of Practical Reason) and of the Political Philosophy Seminar, both at the University of Barcelona (UB).

During 2012 and 2013 I lectured as a Visiting Professor at Brazil at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and taught postgraduate courses at University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo State University (UNESP), Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) with a grant awarded by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIQ). Also, from 1988 to 1990 I conducted researches at the Hegel Archive (University of Ruhr, Bochum).

Since 2010 I have conducted three postdoctorate tutorships of Brazilian tenured professors José Luiz Borges Horta (UFMG), Saulo Pinto Coelho (UFG) and Renato Cesar Cardoso (UFMG), and seven PHD projects, two of them in association with University of Venetia and Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), respectively.

Some of my awards include: ‘Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura’ - Extraordinary Degree Prize (UB), Tercer Premio Final Carrera - Third Prize for Overall Studies (MEC) and the Prat de la Riba Prize (IEC).

After many specialized analytical works in the field of modern philosophy, I have become increasingly interested in macrophilosophy, that is, the study of long-term processes in philosophical, epistemological, sociological, and political fields. Currently I am investigating the nature and evolution of rationality, especially from the beginnings of Modernity to the present. Other current interests are the investigation of social and political mechanisms which made possible modernity and postmodernity processes, in a comparative analysis with the mechanisms that inhibit these dynamics. This macrophilosophical research that I am achieving requires an interdisciplinary approach which, while it may looks somehow ?always unfinished?, fascinates me due its potential significance for the deep renewal challenge that Philosophy needs to address as soon as possible.

My work can be known through GONÇAL MAYOS PUBLICATIONS, my academic webpage and blog:

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I més ...

Knowledge Politics and Intercultural Dynamics: Actions, Innovations, Transformations
Chair and discussant: Gonçal Mayos (Professor of Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona). Coordinator: Antar Martínez (FJIDI)
CIDOB, Elisabets, 12, 08001 Barcelona. 16 December. 9 h. This panel addresses the difficulties and limitations that currently mark both knowledge and the possibilities for intercultural dynamics. It will also investigate the alternatives and new potentials that can be built through common effort. What new and old servitudes should be emphasised? Why is the knowledge society threatening to fall into ignorance? What alternatives and proposals can we imagine? How can we specify a global theoretical framework that can place these limitations and potential alternatives in order to overcome the current confusion? Let us assume this pressing challenge of political and cultural empowerment.

- "Ramon Valls (1928-2011): The agonist of " de G. Mayos a Journal of Catalan Intellectual History, Issues 7&8, 2014. Print ISSN 2014-1572 / Online ISSN 2014-1564, p. 85-107.

- "Ramon Valls (1928-2011): el 'nosaltres' agonista" de G. Mayos a Revista d'Història de la Filosofia Catalana, Núm. 7/8, 2014. Print ISSN 2014-1572 / Online ISSN 2014-1564, p. 83-106.

"Knowledge and culture, agents of barbarism?" (pp.141-156) de G. Mayos
Knowledge Politics and Intercultural Dynamics Actions, Innovations, Transformations. Y. Onghena & A. Vianello (coords.) E. Ardèvol, M. Bal, B. Biglia, Y. Bona, O. Coker, K. Chandler, M.A. Chávez, Y. Farrés, E. Gómez Cruz, A.M. González Smeja, R. Jahanbegloo, E. Jiménez Pérez, R. Kumar, A. Matarán, G. Mayos, Y. Moyano, S. Seth, D. Ngendo Tshimba, A. Zavos. Barcelona: United Nations University & Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), 2012.

- Law and vulnerability | Derecho y vulnerabilidad | Direito e vulnerabilidade, Fabrício Bertini Pasquot Polido e Maria Fernanda Salcedo Repolês (Eds.), amb Adriana Campos Silva, Antonio Giménez Merino, Carolina Pereira, Fabrício Bertini Pasquot Polido, Gonçal Mayos, Guilherme Santos, Isabella Bettoni, Julia Rocha Barcelos, Leandro Martins Zanitelli, Marcelo Andrade Cattoni de Oliveira, Marcelo Maciel Ramos, Maria Fernanda Salcedo Repolês, Polianna Pereira dos Santos, Stanley Souza Marques, Belo Horizonte (Brasil) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, 2016, 174 pp. ISBN-978-85-69537-03-8 Digital.

"Genealogía de la globalización" de G. Mayos en Clivatge. Estudis i testimonis sobre el conflicte i el canvi socials, ISSN: 2014-6590, nº. 4, 2016, pp. 5-30.
Globalization is more or less powerful depending on the aspects under consideration. We are more globalized in the areas of technology and economy, but not so much in the cultural field and almost not at all in the political and social fields. It has become necessary to humanize globalization and to empower the whole humankind over this phenomenon, aware that it is only a human product. The humankind has always been global, at least to some extent, and therefore, despite its geographical diversity, it still remains as a single species. But globalization was almost imperceptible for a long time. However, with the raise of Modernity, its importance has become evident, for example with its violent effects in the form of colonization and imperialism. Europe, and later the West, played the leading role in that globalization. But today its hegemony seems to be declining. To understand its own role in globalization and face its future, it is important for the West to become aware of the genealogy of globalization.
Situacionismo: la Vanguardia de la Revolución” de G. Mayos en Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos, Belo Horizonte, n. 111, jul./dez., 2015.
The Situationist International (SI) is a key model for new social movement (NMS). As it anticipates the current self-expressive mindset and opens many of the most ingenious media strategies and more radical claims. 
Heir of Dada, Surrealism and Lettrisme, it arises in the radical avant-guard of 1950s. SI wants to renew or destroy art by deliberately producing "situations" with a capacity to revolutionarily transform lives and society. 
Therefore, the SI was marked by conflict and creative debate amongst its more specifically artistic members and the most politicized. We follow the evolution of the SI and its leader Debord from the beginning in Lettrisme and analyze the nature and impact of its "situations". 
The situationist participation in May of 1968 is essential and they wanted it to become the most powerful "situation", self-feeding and revolutionary. The "failure" of May marked the dissolution of the SI, but its impact on the NMS remains very important.
Considering and interpreting leisure. Pastimes, entertainments, hobbies and addictions in the Barcelona of 1900 (eBook) Teresa-M. Sala (coord.)
In the throes of modernization, the Barcelona of 1900 was buzzing with energy and an unprecedented culture of leisure emerged. The city’s residents made full use of their free time, forging relationships with one another through a highly varied range of initiatives and activities, taking advantage of existing opportunities and creating new ones. In addition to the traditional celebration of civic festivals, popular meals and various types of processions, innovative new forms of cultural consumption sprang up to satisfy all tastes and budgets. Numerous cinemas opened, the first amusement parks threw open their gates and new theatres raised their curtains. Thanks to these developments, the vicinity around the avenue Paral·lel became the epicentre of Barcelona nightlife. This book offers a panoply of images of the diversions, entertainments and hobbies of that fascinating era of contrasts, the turn-of-the-century Barcelona of Modernisme.
"Reflexió macrofilosòfica sobre la societat de l'oci, del consum, de l'espectacle i del coneixement" de G. Mayos i Teresa-M Sala, i "Oci: una genealogia macrofilosòfica" de G. Mayos, pp. 13-49.
"Baudrillard and the Simulacrum Society" by G. Mayos in Barcelona Metropolis. Revista de información y pensamientos urbanos, (2010).
The ignorance Society edited by Infonomia. Authors: Antoni Brey, Daniel Innerarity and Gonçal Mayos. Foreword: Eudald Carbonell. Free download:
REVIEW OF "LA SOCIEDAD DE LA IGNORANCIA" by Mayte Duarte in Revista Sarasuati.
>Genealogía de la globalización" de G. Mayos en Revista Umbral de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Nº 5, Noviembre, 2011, pp. 51-76.
Globalization today is very powerful in technology and economics, less significant in culture, and with very little effect in politics and social fields. Every day is expanding faster (turboglobalization), increases its unifying capacity, and reveals to us as uncontrollable and unintelligible, thus generating fear and disorientation. Its genealogy must be established to prove that globalization is just a human product, making easier the empowerment of a wider part of humanity over this already very old phenomenon. Although imperceptible during millenniums, humankind has always been global at least in some extent and therefore, despite of its geographical differences, it still remains as a single species. With the raise of Modernity, globalization generated violent colonizations and imperialisms. Europe and afterwards the West had the leading role, which became even more evident after the Industrial Revolution. But today the world hegemony has changed, and from the globalization metamorphosis, it has become imperative to analyze contemporary phenomenas such as the “clash of civilizations”, the “risk society”, the reduction of cultural diversity, the “single thought”, the post2008 crisis… Keywords: globalization, empowerment, genealogy, colonization, imperialism.
>"Introduccion. Dificultades para el 'empoderamiento' de la 'sociedad del conocimiento'" de G. Mayos en La sociedad de la ignorancia, Gonçal Mayos y Antoni Brey (eds.), Barcelona: Península, 2011, pp. 13-45. .
The ignorance-based society is the other side of the coin of the “knowledge-based society” and raises vitally important questions that demand answers: what dangers lurk behind the promises of the “knowledge-based society”? What costs or “collateral damage” go with it? Is the outcome knowledge and nothing but knowledge? What limits are involved and need to be taken into account? Is it out of our control? How can ordinary people “take charge” of the “knowledge-based society”? Will hesitating to “take charge” in this way make us fall into an ignorance-based society? What dangers and challenges go hand in hand with current hopes for civilisation? G. Mayos teaches Modern Philosophy at the UB and publishes a cross-section of his research on his website. A. Brey is a telecommunications engineer and author of the essays “La Generación Fría” (Cold Generation) and “El fenómeno Wi-Fi” (The Wi-Fi Phenomenon). J. Campàs is a philosopher and historian specialising in digital art and hypertext writing at UOC. F. Ruiz Tarragó is a physicist and mathematician who has won the Everis Foundation Essay Prize for “La nueva educación” (New Education”. Daniel Innerarity teaches Political Philosophy at UZ, has won the National Essay Prize and is director of the Instituto Globernanza. M. Subirats is professor of Sociology at UAB, has been director of the Instituto de la Mujer and Director of Education for Barcelona.
>"Aspectos de la nueva globalización" de G. Mayos en Prisma Social. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Fundación iS+D para la investigación Social Avanzada, nº 6 "Nuevas formas de la relación social", Junio 2011, pp. 1-34.
There's no way today for a "single thought" but multiple and alternative "globalizations"; all social relationships though, appear conditioned by the ruthless worldwide ruling of advanced capitalism (in spite of the crisis never before so unchallenged). Individuals who are forced to hold on to their own capacities and resources fail to control its evolution; States get their borderlines overflown. Within the "Clash of Civilizations" one asserts cultures are merging not just sheer multiculturalism or indigenous-like. Furthermore, as Berger puts forward, a new global elite connected to Davos and the Academy Clubs is becoming more and more prominent. Beyond ideology differences they basically share discourse, values, praxis, social environment and experience, to shape the trend for current social relationships.
WHO JUDGES THE JUDGE? Reason before the tribunal of reason; a political metaphor.
G. Mayos in Al voltant de Kant. Lluís Alegret (ed.). Alcoberro,R; Bermudo, JM; Bilbeny, N; Gabás, R; Font, P Ll; Mayos, G; Puig, A; Turró, S. La Busca Ed. , 2006, pp. 1-17.
Metaphorologism of Water (a praise)
G. Mayos, L'aigua: realitat i símbol, Fundació Joan Maragall i Editorial Claret, Barcelona, nov. 2006, Quadern 78, pp. 5-28.
>El 'efecto Rashomon'. Análisis filosófico para el centenario de Akira Kurosawa" by G. Mayos in Convivium. Revista de Filosofía, Universitat Barcelona, núm. 23: 209-233 (2010). Abstract: 'Rashomon effect'. as referred either by anthropologists and epistemologists, is subjectivity linked to memory and perception, equal plausibility to substantially diverse recount or recollection on the same event. We will go through, analyse and render the philosophical outcome of 'the Rashomon effect', named after the same name's Kurosawa's movie. Key-words: Subjectivity, emic, incommensurabilty, cynicism, truth.
>"Zambrano y Nietzsche, camino del lenguaje", Aurora. Papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, U.B. Press, 2010, pp. 56-68.
Abstract: Is thinking with method the only pathway for philosophy or the pathway of thinking is the only philosophical method? Must philosophy subdue the language to a method, or is the specific method of philosophy to follow the language freely and creatively? Beyond the pathway of "the serpent" or the pathway "of intellect", both Zambrano and Nietzsche choose to route the "ministery" of the writer and the philosopher under the "mastery" of language, thus promoting the reciprocal revitalization of thought and language.
>THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF SPIRIT AND ITS MACROPHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXT (ON THE BICENTENARY), G. Mayos al I Congrés Català de Filosofia, Facultat de Filosofia Univ. Barcelona, el dijous 22 de març 2007.
Was the political and philosophical destiny of the West decided at Jena 200 years ago? In the political sphere, Napoleon won a decisive battle there; and in the philosophical and cultural sphere, Hegel wrote the Phenomenology of Spirit. We analyse the importance of the double battle of Jena-Auerstädt, assessing the geopolitical and social consequences and its effect on the expansion of the political ideals of the French Revolution. We also examine the importance, both inside the German-speaking world and as regards the development of Western culture as a whole, of the intellectual circle (also double) of Weimar and Jena with Goethe, Herder, Schiller, Reinhold, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Friedrich and August Schlegel. We analyse the duality and identity of German Romanticism and Idealism. We also explore these traits in Hegel’s Phenomenology, showing that it can be regarded as a true macrophilosophical synthesis of the era, the crowning point of the golden years of the University of Jena and even of Weimar.

Abstract to De Sade o la subversión de/en la Ilustración
G. Mayos in Daímon. Revista de Filosofía, Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, Nº 7, 1993, pp. 89-102.

Abstract to Hölderlin, un proyecto emancipatorio fracasado.
G. Mayos in Convivium. Revista de Filosofía, Barcelona, Segunda Série, Núm. 3, 1992, pp. 53-74.

Abstract to "Imatge emotiva i irracional de la humanitat en el cinema. Una aplicació pedagògica"
G. Mayos en Observar. Revista electrónica de ODAS (Observatorio sobre la Didáctica de las Artes), Núm. 1/2007, pp. 119-132.

Abstract to "Déu, Modernitat i postmodernitat"
G. Mayos en Anuari de la Càtedra Ramon Llull, nª 8 (2002), pp. 283-299.
Professor Mayos analyses, avoiding clichés, the discourse about God in some modern thinkers, and explores the conditions of possibility of a word about God in post-modern times. At the end of the article, he looks into the features of the new form of religiousness (Vattimo) that appears in what has been called post-modern era.

"Isaiah Berlin: pluralisme i expressivisme" by G. Mayos in Caràcters, núm. 51, abril 2010, p. 19.

Ernest Gellner i la 'història filosòfica' by Gonçal Mayos in L'Espill, València: Publicacions Universitat de València/Edicions 3i4, 2a època, núm. 33, hivern 2009, pp. 152-164.

Guerra de civilitzacions? Huntington i els neocons,
Gonçal Mayos in Marges de la Filosofia, Barcelona: La Busca Edicions, 2008, pp. 195-209.

"El testamento de Huntington"
Gonçal Mayos
in El periódico, sección: Opinión, 30-12-2008, p. 8.

"El testament de Huntington"
Gonçal Mayos
in El periódico, secció: Opinió, 30-12-2008, p. 8.