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Spanish Research Society of Individual Differences



Other Activities

Meetings Planning






Registration Form

Pre-Congress seminar Registration Form



Day 1.- Wednesday 23 April 2003

16-21 h. Pre-congress Seminar: "Emotional Intelligence and personality"
19-21 h. Accreditations, handing of material and last registrations

Day 2.- Thursday 24 April 2003

8,30-10 h. Accreditations, handing of material and last registrations

9,30 h. Inauguration of the Congress: Welcome by Dr. A. Andrés Pueyo (President of SEIDI and general coordinator of the Congress)

10-11 h. 1st Conference:
Personality Trait Development Across the Life Span Longitudinal, Cross-Sectional, and Cross-Cultural Analyses
P. Costa (NIMH, Bethesda, MA USA)
Presents: J.M. Tous (SEIDI)

11-11,30 h. Coffee break

11,30-13 h. 1st Communications session:
Personality structure and measurement
President: J.Bermúdez (UNED)
Secretary: R. Colom (SEIDI)

13-15,30 h. Lunch

15,30-16,30 h. 2nd Conference:
Personality and individual differences in the work place: Person x Organization x Outcome Fit 
Adrian Furham (University of London, UK)
Presents: Pilar Sánchez López (SEIDI)

16,30-17 h. Coffee Break

17-18,30 h. 2nd Communications Session:
Work, organizations and personality
President: J. Almenara (UB)
Secretary: J. Lillo (SEIDI)

18,30-20 h. Guided visit to the San Pau Hospital

Day 3.- Friday 25 April 2003

9,30-10,30 h. 3rd Conference:
The child is a father of the man: personality development from chilhood to adulthood
A. Caspi (Institute of Psychiatry, London-University of Michigan, USA)
Presents: M.A. Quiroga (SEIDI)

10,30-11 h. Coffee Break

11-12,30 h. 3rd Communications session:
Development psychology and personality
President: M.V. del Barrio (UNED)
Secretary: A. Aluja (SEIDI)

12,30-13,30 h.
1st  Posters session (1 to 30)

13,30-15,30 h. Lunch

15,30-16,30 h.
4th Conference:
Behavioural genomics of antisocial behavior: How genetic research pushes environmental theories forward
T. Moffit (Institute of Psychiatry, London-University of Michigan, USA)
Presents: M. Goma (SEIDI)

16,30-17 h. Coffee Break

17-18,30 h. 4ª Communications session:
Anti-social behavior and personality
President: M.A. Luengo (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Secretary: J. Rodríguez (SEIDI)

18,30-20 h. 2nd Posters session (31 to 60)

21 h. Congress dinner

 Day 4.- Saturday 26 April 2003

9-10 h. 5th Conference:
The ICD and DSM Personality Disorders as Maladaptive Variants of Common Personality Traits: The Future of Clinical Diagnosis
T. Widiger (University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA)
Presents: J. Gutiérrez Maldonado (SEIDI)

10-11 h. 5th Communications session (
1st session)
Clinical Psychology and Personality
President: Dolores Avia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Secretary: M. José Báguena (SEIDI)

11-11,30 h. Coffee Break

11,30-13 h. 5th Communications session (2nd session)
Clinical Psychology and Personality
President: Dolores Avia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Secretary: M. José Báguena (SEIDI)

13-13,30 h.  SEIDI Members General Meeting

13,30-14 h.  Closing of the Congress